STAGE 31 - Pedrouzo – Santiago de Compostela

Santiago de Compostela

Santiago de Compostela

The count down has begun. The hapiness of arriving is increasingly coming, and the emotion is very intense. You must not get carried away by this enthusiasm because still have to face this last part of the stage. Enjoy the walk and do not run to get there as quickly as possible towards the goal because… now you can never go back!

This last stage will also require from you a last big effort if you have come here with the low energy. Monte do Gozo will demand you all that is left inside you, but the reward will be the best one: Contemplating Santiago Cathedral on the horizon. Since then, any effort will be worthwhile and any step will cost you less effort.

After reaching this point and having seen how close the reward is, we should get some rest if we want to arrive the next day to the pilgrim Mass (which is celebrated at 12.00 pm).


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